Could you be a business mentor?

Will you lend a hand to individuals setting up new social ventures in Sandwell?

Sandwell Council, UnLtd and SWEDA have come together to offer financial and mentoring support to local social entrepreneurs in the Sandwell Social Entrepreneur award programme.











These entrepreneurs have uncovered issues and problems affecting residents in Sandwell wishing to start-up a business or social enterprise and have proposed innovative ways of providing solutions.

These committed, passionate people have won cash awards to start these enterprises and now need further support from the local business community.

If you or your colleagues/employees are interested in becoming a mentor in the programme we want to hear from you.

We will provide some training and match you to an award winner. You decide what level of support and expertise you can offer and for how long.








Please get in touch for further information.

We look forward to creating a local network of support  with likeminded business people who will be at the forefront of developing Sandwell’s social economy