COVID-19: advice for employers and businesses in Sandwell

NOTE: We expanded on this info on Wednesday 18 March and turned it into a web page which we will update regularly please go here.

Curtailed travel, reduced demand for certain supplies, and uncertainty about the coming weeks all mean COVID-19 coronavirus is affecting businesses. We are thinking about you.

Sandwell Council has compiled this page of useful information:

Public Health England has published specific advice for employers and businesses regarding coronavirus.

Whether you have hundreds of employees or run a small business, the advice will help you in:

* Understanding the novel coronavirus, COVID-19
* Knowing how to help prevent the spread of all respiratory infections, including COVID-19
* Deciding what to do if someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 has been in your workplace
* Advising individuals who have travelled to places with implications, as outlined by the Chief Medical Officer (you can see the full list of these countries and areas here)
* Managing certification of absence from work resulting from COVID-19.

All the information is here Please share it to ensure colleagues, employees and customers have access to up-to-date information from a credible source.

We have also become aware of this excellent post from the mental health charity Mind, relating to coronavirus and wellbeing. It’s a useful one to share with people who may be anxious.

The Black Country Chamber of Commerce has put together a package of support for local businesses, including a business helpline and online business clinics.  

Enterprise Nation has published this useful guide suggesting six tech tools for holding meetings and events online.

Remote work survival kit: A crowd-sourced document full of useful ideas about homeworking can be found at

Useful links:

This article was updated on Tuesday 17 March.