Develop your BIM skills and get ready to supply to the Midland Metropolitan Hospital

Think Sandwell’s first BIM awareness workshop of 2016 takes place on Tuesday 16 February. We’ve lined up a valuable BIM (building information modelling) session with Carillion’s MMH project team.

Midland-Metropolitan-Hospital-2Carillion is the principal contractor charged with designing, constructing and operating Sandwell’s landmark health facility, the Midland Metropolitan Hospital (MMH) in Grove Lane, Smethwick.

Carillion will use the MMH as an exemplar BIM project, with the technology helping its project team to deliver:

* Collaboration across the entire supply chain and during the build programme
* Optimised 3D design for manufacturing, component assembly and asset management opportunities.

In order for Carillion to achieve these ambitions, its suppliers’ BIM skills must match BIM Level 2 capabilities. And that’s where our free BIM awareness workshops come in.

During this session at the new Sandwell Business Solutions Centre in Smethwick, you’ll get to spend the morning with senior designers and BIM experts from Carillion’s MMH project team, as well as meeting likeminded suppliers who are also looking to get to grips with BIM.

As part of a small group, you’ll gain essential knowledge on developing a BIM adoption plan, learn how to create 3D BIM objects, and examine where this digital engineering technology fits within your business.

You’ll also find out how BIM could significantly increase your market reach, helping you exploit new markets and win contracts aligned to the MMH.

It’s ideal for business owners, directors, product designers and senior business development managers looking for client and project direction on BIM adoption.

There will be plenty of networking time – plus the unique chance to spend the whole morning with some of the project team members involved in key design considerations for the MMH.

The workshop takes place from 8am to 12:30pm on Tuesday 16 February 2016 in the Carillion BIM Technologies & Skills Development Suite at the Sandwell Business Solutions Centre (CAP Centre, Windmill Lane, Smethwick B66 3LX). It’s free to attend (places are limited to one per company). Book early to reserve your place by emailing your details to