Develop your BIM Skills & Get Ready for Digital-Built West Midlands

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is set to change the way the construction sector delivers, procures, designs, constructs and maintains the whole-life costs of buildings, taking the industry out of the analogue age and into the digital.

BIM has the potential to transform efficiency throughout the entire construction supply chain through closer collaboration, smarter ways of working, lean methods of procurement and the use of 3D “virtual” buildings to manage properties and assets.







Recognising that public sector clients and private sector businesses operating in the built environment will need differing degrees of knowledge and skills. Sandwell Council has developed a programme of Building Information Modelling (BIM) workshops aimed at nurturing the critical workforce skills needed within industry.

Our enjoyable and affordable BIM Level 2 awareness courses are delivered by a framework of BIM consultants and are suitable for all levels of job roles. What’s unique and sets the course apart from other BIM workshops is that you will be coached through the business benefits of BIM adoption, receive expert advice, explanation and valuable client guidance of the significant efficiencies that BIM presents.

You can find out more about BIM and how it could add value to your role by viewing this short informative video

All of our events are listed on the events calendar, along with instructions on how to book and get involved. Keep up-to-date with Think Sandwell by following us on Twitter (@thinkSandwell) and joining our Think Sandwell Business Network on LinkedIn. Through these social media channels you’ll receive instant updates on breaking news stories and event listings added to the site.