DPD announces green delivery plans

DPD logoSmethwick-based parcel delivery company DPD has revealed plans to use zero and low-emission delivery methods in 25 UK locations by 2025.

The global company, which has won awards for sustainability and environmental best practice, recently opened the UK’s first all-electric parcel depot in Westminster, and has invested heavily in electric vehicles and electric-assisted pedal bikes. The plans to deliver using zero/low-emission methods to 25 of the UK’s largest towns and cities are part of an ambition to do the same in 225 urban centres in 20 countries in Europe.

In total, DPD aims to invest around €200m in electric vehicles, natural gas vehicles, charging points and depots to ensure that over 260 million parcels will be delivered in more environmentally-friendly ways. This will reduce CO2 emissions by 89 per cent and in pollutants by 80 per cent in the target areas, which include Birmingham, Coventry, Derby and Stoke on Trent.

CEO Boris Winkelmann said, “We are conscious of our responsibility to the planet and its people, we aim to be the most sustainable delivery company in Europe. While DPD plays its part in climate change issues, we also have our role to play in the solution. With this in mind, we’ve decided to act pragmatically by reducing our emissions in cities with the highest populations.”

Think Sandwell applauds DPD for its pioneering approach. To find out how your business can become more environmentally-friendly, visit our energy saving pages.