Glamping is coming to Sandwell Valley

Glamping could be coming to Sandwell! Plans to improve leisure facilities in Sandwell in time for the Commonwealth Games 2022 have been unveiled.

As we’re all looking forward to the future of being able to enjoy the great outdoors again, a glamorous camping site sounds just the ticket. Plans for camping in style in Sandwell were on the agenda at a local authority cabinet meeting not so long ago.

The glamorous camp site on the 1,800 acres of Sandwell Valley would involve luxury outdoor accommodation with the benefit of facilities normally found in a five-star hotel.

The proposal was one of a range of ideas put forward by the local authority in its plans for the borough over the next ten years. The idea behind the glamping site is that it would make Sandwell Valley a destination gateway.

Along with the Commonwealth Games Aquatic Centre in Smethwick, quality accommodation at Sandwell Valley would attract visitors both regionally and nationally, and improve leisure facilities for Sandwell residents.

Creating the camping/ glamping site would provide jobs and encourage wealth creation in the borough. It would be funded with some of Sandwell Council’s £200m plus budget aimed at sharing wealth and improving life chances for local people.

The hope is to really put Sandwell on the map and a specialist country park consultant has recently been appointed by the council to support the development of a new future business model for sustainable growth.

This strategy already includes contributing to the Commonwealth Games with the potential of providing an urban bike park, a fanzone area, upgrading existing visitor facilities, and more parking and catering concessions.

The proposals are all part of the cabinet’s ‘Big Plans for a Great Place for the People of Sandwell’.

Watch this space for more news as it emerges but for now stay safe and stay at home!

For the time being car parks at Sandwell Valley Country Park, Dartmouth Park, Forge Mill Farm and Swan Pool are closed. This is to encourage social distancing and to discourage non-essential journeys.

Remember – if you are leaving your home once a day for exercise, you should be exercising close to your home. You shouldn’t be making trips by car unless they are essential.

If you are visiting any Sandwell parks, please visit on foot and observe social distancing. Please stay at least two metres from other people and do not gather in groups.

Thank you for your support – stay at home, protect the NHS, save lives.


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