Growing Priority Sectors Wave 5

Do you or your clients need funding for growth? Does the proposed investment create sustainable new jobs?

The Black County LEP and partners are delighted to announce Wave 5 Growing Priority Sectors has now been launched; further detail can be found at Growing Priority Sectors.

What it is – Regional Growth Fund is a UK fund which supports projects and programs that are using private sector investment to create economic growth and sustainable employment.

Objectives of the fund – Rapid creation of private sector jobs and rebalance the economy in areas currently dependent on the public sector, Projects must;

  • Create private sector jobs
  • Not be able to proceed without RGF grant funding
  • Not displace jobs from elsewhere in the UK- this is likely to happen if your competitors are based predominately in the UK
  • Grant request must not exceed 25% of total project costs
  • Grant funding of £50,000 to £1 million is available
  • Be State Aid compliant.






Timescales and application process – There is a two stage application process; firstly, companies must complete an expression of interest form, this will be assessed and if approved, applicants will be asked to complete a full application. Applicants are encouraged to get their expressions of interest in as early as possible (this will allow more time to complete the full application).

The deadline for expression of interest is 12:00 noon on the 25th July 2014. The deadline for submission of the full application is 12:00 noon on the 22nd August 2014. Download an expression of interest from the Access to Finance page.

Expressions of interest and applications must be submitted to

If you believe you have an eligible project and would like to discuss the proposal please contact Peter Martin on 0121 569 3265 or