Have you used a cosmetic or exfoliating sponge today? Maybe it was #madeinsandwell

Our #madeinsandwell Monday star company this week is Gilca Ltd. This Oldbury-based business supplies and converts innovative foam and rubber-based products for many different applications, including within the aerospace, automotive, construction, marine, medical and sports sectors.
Gilca sponges
Most of the material Gilca supplies, it manufactures, sourcing all chemicals and materials from within the UK. Gilca is the proprietary manufacturer of AleXon polyurethane foam and synthetic latex foam. The latter can be found in objects as diverse as orthopaedic pads and aids, high-quality cushioning packaging and fruit washing/drying rollers. It’s used in the make-up sponges of several top cosmetic houses including Estée Lauder and Max Factor.

So on a domestic level, as well as in cosmetic sponges, you might find Gilca-made materials in sponges for decorating, baby bathtime, washing or household cleaning; mats made for kneeling or exercise, and foam inserts used in packaging.

Gilca was founded in 1987 by current managing director Kevin Smith and moved to its current Oldbury location in 2000. The company employs 26 people and utilises the Sandwell Guarantee – a Sandwell Council initiative which helps businesses find funding to support the cost of young people’s wages.

Lez Coupland is Gilca’s UK sales manager. He explained how Gilca is an international business, both in its activities – exporting to countries as far afield as Argentina and New Zealand – and also in outlook.

“We are very much an international group of people enjoying a true mixture of cultures from all around the world. Many of our employees have been with us since our inception proving both loyalty and dedication,” he said.

“Our future plans are to expand our present workforce and spread our wings into new markets around the world.”

#madeinsandwell Monday is a celebration of the talent and diversity of businesses in our borough. If you’re interested in being considered for a #madeinsandwell Monday profile, read this.