Is your business worthy of a Queen’s Award for Enterprise?

queens awardsThe Queen’s Award for Enterprise is one of the most prestigious business awards in the UK. Established in 1966, it recognises and encourages the outstanding achievements of UK businesses in four key areas – innovation, international trade, sustainable development and promoting opportunity through social mobility.

Successful organisations may fly the Queen’s Award flag at their principal premises and are entitled to use the emblem on their stationery, advertising and packaging for five years. Each award also comes with an invitation to attend a reception at Buckingham Palace.

Since its inception, 6,876 companies have benefitted from winning a Queen’s Award, helping them to stand out from the competition, receive global recognition, raise staff morale and boost growth by attracting the attention of potential customers, partners and investors.

Applications are open to businesses of all sizes and in all sectors throughout the UK – from small companies manufacturing innovative products to a large organisations running impressive social mobility programmes. Companies have until Thursday 21 September to apply, and those who have applied before are welcome to try again.

The Black Country Chamber of Commerce is running an information session in October for businesses who want to get organised to apply in 2018. You can read more about how to apply now on the official website or get in touch with Think Sandwell to find out what support and advice we can give to help you make the most of your application. Email or call 0121 569 2121 for more information.