Loud and proud

Midlands Engine logoMidlands businesses must learn to be confident and positive in order to promote growth, according to the chairman of the Midlands Engine partnership.

Sir John Peace was speaking to members of the Black Country Chamber of Commerce about the scale and significance of the West Midlands in the global marketplace. He said that the growth needed to power the Midlands Engine could be found in global markets, such as China, but that businesses need to shout out about what the region has to offer.

The UK is a stable market with strong financial services. The Midlands has a particularly good infrastructure, with further improvements to its airports and road network in the pipeline. Digital connectivity is also increasingly important in attracting international investment, and Sir John was keen to emphasise the need for companies to get on board with new technology.

The Midlands already has a trade surplus with China and Sir John believes that, if companies can collaborate to develop the Midlands Engine brand and present a positive, confident image of the region, this will stimulate further investment and exports, leading to increased growth and even more jobs.

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