Low carbon and the built environment workshops

wind-energy-1309345-639x416A project being run by the University of Wolverhampton and Coventry University is working with small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Black Country and Marches LEP areas of the West Midlands to reduce carbon usage.

The Built Environment Climate Change Innovations (BECCI) project is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund to promote sustainable economic opportunities and growth.

The project is working with local SMEs to develop innovative climate change solutions within the built environment. It supports companies to successfully implement their ideas and strategies in an unfamiliar and fast-moving competitive sector in order to contribute to the UK campaign to reduce C02 emissions.

It focuses on products and services that can be used to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions within the existing and proposed housing stock, offices and public buildings.

The BECCI project offers businesses help to develop new or improved energy efficient products or services, engages with housing providers in the region to support the use of smarter systems and gives SMEs access to the latest information and knowledge on low carbon technologies.

It is holding two technical workshops on the subject over the coming months at the University of Wolverhampton. The first is an ‘energy storage training’ workshop on Tuesday 21 March. This event is aimed at electrical contractors and solar panel installers looking to enhance their business capabilities within the growing area of energy storage.

The second is an ‘energy experts’ workshop taking place on Tuesday 4 April. This is ideal for any manufacturing or construction related business looking to reduce its energy costs and to make operational savings.

If you are interested in finding out more about BECCI and the work it is doing you can visit the project at the University of Wolverhampton or check out the website at http://www.wlv.ac.uk/business-services/business-innovation/becci-project/.

To be eligible for support through the BECCI project organisations must be a West Midlands-based SME and offer products or services that support the transition of the region towards a low carbon economy.