New group aims to help manufacturers boost productivity

ITMG logoA new consortium has been set up by 140 manufacturing companies in the region to increase access to learning, business support and technology. The not-for-profit organisation has also signed up professional partners to help advise members on human resources, legal matters, seeking finance and managing expansion.

Membership of the In-Comm Training and Manufacturing Group (ITMG) includes companies from a wide range of sectors, such as engineering, aerospace, automotive, nuclear, oil and gas. One of the most recent members is A&M EDM, a precision engineering company, based on Mornington Road in Smethwick. There are varying levels of membership to ensure that businesses of all sizes can get involved.

It is hoped that ITMG can bring members together to share best practice, develop expertise and keep up to date with new technology, which will in turn support the development of new products, boost productivity and increase competitiveness. ITMG will also play a role in helping businesses in the West Midlands deal with the ongoing complications of Britain’s exit from the European Union.

To find out more about ITMG, visit its website or follow @InCommTMG on Twitter. To find out how Think Sandwell can support your business, visit our Business Services pages.