Nominations Open for the 2016 Queen’s Awards for Enterprise

The Queen’s Awards for Enterprise are the UK’s most prestigious Awards for business performance. They recognise and reward outstanding achievement by UK companies.

Awards can be won under any of the following three categories:

  • International Trade – recognising companies that have demonstrated growth in overseas earnings.
  • Innovation – recognising companies that have demonstrated commercial success through innovative products or services.
  • Sustainable Development – recognising companies that have integrated environmental, social, economic and management aspects of sustainable development into their business.

Any United Kingdom ‘Business Unit’, whether large, medium or small, which produces goods or provides services can be considered for an Award if it carries out activities which meet the specified criteria.

Nominations are also being accepted for the 2016 Queen’s Award for Enterprise Promotion. This strand celebrates and recognises the activities of individuals that have played an outstanding and significant role in promoting enterprise skills and attitudes in others throughout the UK.

Winners are announced annually on 21 April, the Queen’s birthday. The recipients will be presented with an engraved crystal glass commemorative item, a Grant of Appointment and will also be invited to a reception at Buckingham Palace.

Individuals that have made an outstanding contribution to the country’s enterprise culture may be nominated for this strand and there is no allocation to particular regions or territories.

Nominations for each strand of the 2016 Queen’s Awards for Enterprise must be submitted by 30 September 2015.











Twelve companies from across the region have been honoured in this year’s Queen’s Awards for Enterprise.

Please see the seperate news article.