Our #madeinsandwell Monday star is breaking the mould in the plastics industry

Family-run firm Keight’s Precision Tooling Limited, also known as TC Keight, is our #madeinsandwell star this week. Keight’s manufactures injection moulding tools for the plastic industry, both in the UK and worldwide.

Keight's Precision Tooling logoThe company specialises in the design and manufacture of high precision, fully hardened production injection moulding tools, and P20, aluminium prototype and semi-production tooling. It manufactures twin shot moulds, over moulds, unscrewing tools, hot runner systems and hydraulic cores.

Keight’s moulds are used in many everyday applications. One of its recent projects was to manufacture the mould tools  for Tesco plastic baskets that are used in the fruit and vegetable aisles and for delivery of groceries to customers.

The business was founded in 1983 by Terry Keight and is now managed by his sons. It has survived the hard times faced by engineering companies over the last ten years and continues to go from strength to strength, with plans to maintain steady growth.

Director Nicholas Keight said: “Whoever the customer is, we pride ourselves on offering personal attention and bespoke customer service at all times. Most of our business comes from recommendations thanks to our reputation for high-quality products and high standards of service”.

Keight's electrical discharge machine EDM SandwellWith the help of the Think Sandwell team, the firm recently made a successful application for a Black Country Transformational GOLD grant. It used the funding to purchase a high-tech electrical discharging machine [pictured right].

Nicholas said of the new EDM: “This has been a huge benefit to us, helping us to keep up to date with technology and lower our carbon footprint.  Without the help offered we would have found it difficult to achieve this outcome.”

The firm has been in its present location in West Bromwich for over 30 years.

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