Our #madeinsandwell Monday star supplies industries worldwide from its West Bromwich base

IMG_2280Our #madeinsandwell star this Monday is Sandwell turnkey precision engineering firm PK Engineering Limited.

Based in West Bromwich, PK Engineering is a family-run business that has been producing bespoke machined products and specialised fasteners for over 25 years. Its skilled engineers specialise in CNC turning, milling, capstan drilling, multi-spindle autos, tube manipulation, automatic sawing and grinding.

Its products are used worldwide, in industries including defence, pharmaceuticals, medical, oil exploration, energy generation and the commercial automotive industry.

From its outset in the early 1980s PK Engineering has prided itself on its attention to detail and consistent quality, not only in its manufactured fittings but also in its commitment to customer service.

The company’s consistent investment programme has ensured that all of its machines are continually upgraded to the latest specification and it has the capability to produce a ‘one off’ to any batch size depending on the customer’s order requisite and lead time factor.

Ongoing investment has also helped to affirm PK Engineering’s commitment to employee training and its ethos of ‘a happy workforce is a productive workforce’ has helped to secure the company’s success. PK Engineering also believes in supporting local young people to gain employment and amongst its skilled workforce the company currently has three apprentices.

Its plans for the future include a relocation to a bigger premises within Sandwell, to employ more staff, and the purchase of four more machines to increase output. The company is planning to make a move into the aerospace market and the medical market for artificial limbs.

Stuart Stanford, the company’s client relationship manager said: “Being in Sandwell is ideal for our business. We do have plans to move over the next year or so, but we will remain in Sandwell – that is a must. This is because it has some of the best transport links around with motorways on our door step and a skilled workforce in the area.”

He continued: “The other reason we wish to remain in Sandwell is because the council has resources to help businesses who want to grow, as we do.”

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