Pitching competition extends application deadline

Minerva Birmingham Pitch Up logoThe application deadline for this year’s Minerva Birmingham Pitch Up programme has been extended to Friday 11 December.

The competition, formerly known as Pitchfest WM, is an opportunity for ambitious entrepreneurs to improve their ability to win investment and boost their business profile. It is a collaboration between the Centre for Growth at Aston University, BizzInn at the University of Birmingham and Minerva at the University of Warwick Science Park. Over the last five years, it has put over 125 business people in front of investors and helped to bring more than £3m of investment to the region’s small businesses.

Successful applicants will get the opportunity to practise their pitching skills in a safe environment, come face-to-face with potential investors, make new connections with other innovators and entrepreneurs, improve self-confidence and raise the profile of their businesses. There are also a variety of prizes up for grabs.

This final of this year’s Pitch Up will be held online on Thursday 28 January 2021. For more information, and to apply, visit the Pitch Up website.

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