Plans approved for Wolverhampton’s City Learning Quarter

City of Wolverhampton Council has given approval to plans to create a City Learning Quarter, which will bring educational and economic benefits to the whole region.

The old Faces nightclub on the corner of Bilston Street and Garrick Street will be demolished to make way for a 10,000 sq m education-based site around Old Hall Street and St George’s Parade. New facilities will be built to incorporate City of Wolverhampton College’s Metro One Campus, the Central Library and the council’s Adult Education Service, with the potential for Wolverhampton College to relocate from its current site on Paget Road.

In addition to redevelopment funding allocated in the council’s budget, a bid for up to £30m of additional funding has also been submitted to the Black Country Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP).

The aim is to regenerate the area and create a more attractive environment, ensuring that local talent is kept in the region. City of Wolverhampton College predicts that around 13,000 people will benefit from learning in the City Learning Quarter, including the completion of 2,500 apprenticeships over the next ten years. It is also estimated that the quarter will secure around 1,500 jobs in Wolverhampton and 750 across the wider region.

Think Sandwell wishes the developers all the best with the scheme, and will be following developments with interest. To find out how we can help your business with its training needs, visit our Business Services pages.