Sandwell names its top 50 businesses for growth

We have released details of the 50 fastest-growing companies, in order to celebrate their achievements and the contributions they make to the West Midlands.

The Top 50 Fastest Growing Companies Index 2016 list shines a light on 50 companies in Sandwell ranked by their rate of growth in turnover.





The index, released for the second year, reveals that collectively the companies employ more than 12,000 people and have a combined revenue of £2.1bn.

All of the companies in Sandwell’s Top 50 have seen growth of 10% or more, while the top 23 have grown by 20%. The fastest-growing company of all, ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Birmingham Ltd, grew by a whopping 210% over the past year.

Unsurprisingly given Sandwell’s industrial heritage, 52% of the Top 50 are in the manufacturing sector. The next best-represented sector is wholesale and retail (18%) followed by construction (10%).

Fred Smith & Sons, a manufacturing company in West Bromwich, attributed its success in part to support provided by Think Sandwell – Sandwell Council’s initiative to nurture local businesses.

Councillor Steve Eling, Leader of Sandwell Council, said the Top 50 index should make the borough proud.
“The businesses listed here contribute greatly towards our region’s economy and in doing so they also help to secure Sandwell’s reputation as a profitable place to do business and an attractive place to invest,” he said.

“The figures are in no small part down to our skilled workforce, years of expertise in advanced manufacturing and Sandwell’s strategic location in the heart of England – as well as the enduring spirit of innovation that characterises the West Midlands region as a whole,” he added.

The Top 50 index, which contains a full table of statistics and several success stories, can be downloaded here.