Share your Covid-19 Sandwell business stories

While the pandemic continues to affect every area of our lives, we believe it’s more important than ever to share your good news as well as the challenges. How are you and your Sandwell business faring?

A close up of the keys on a type writer next to the text "Share your Sandwell business stories" and a Think Sandwell logo in the cornerPerhaps you’re still trading, but have had to adopt vastly different working practices? Or maybe you’re closed due to lockdown, but thinking of ways to do things differently in the future?

Has your business been able to support frontline efforts to tackle Covid-19 and its impact on people and communities?

Perhaps you’re just surviving from day to day. That would be understandable and we’d love to give you a boost with some positive PR.

We’re keen to know how you and your business are doing, and to share your stories. If you have time and you want to, email with the subject line ‘Sandwell business story’.

For inspiration, here is a round-up of positive Sandwell news we wrote in 2020.

If you don’t have great news to share, maybe you’d still like to be featured in our popular #MadeInSandwell Monday slot with a profile of your business. This week we wrote about Midshire Telecom, a West Bromwich firm offering a phone scrappage scheme to benefit schools.

Have you seen our coronavirus support pages written and updated entirely for Sandwell businesses? View the main coronavirus support menu.