Taking a bird’s eye view on everything #MadeInSandwell

A person wearing a red hard hat and high vis vest bending down with a drone.It’s always good to get a fresh perspective on a project or business, and this week’s #MadeInSandwell Monday star can help you do just that.

Dronez Access, based on Hagley Road West in Oldbury, operates state-of-the-art drones to take video and still photographs from the air. This can be used to carry out construction and roof inspections, helping companies identify maintenance and safety issues. Their specialist equipment can also be used for mapping and photogrammetry, to create detailed 2D or 3D maps of a site, as well as thermal imaging for inspection purposes – all without the need for complex, time consuming and expensive scaffolding, cherry pickers or rope access.

While the main focus of the business is on industrial and commercial use, drones can also be used to capture arial footage of weddings and events, houses and estates, as this video shows. Dronez Access has also signed up to volunteer with local search and rescue services, using its skills and equipment to give something back to society.

Dronez Access was established in Sandwell in 2019 by business partners Karol Krupa and Damian Bartus. Karol had the initial idea whilst working in inspection, using mainly rope access. As a drone enthusiast she saw the potential benefits of using the technology to take cameras into places that people couldn’t go. Partnering with Damian, whose background is in electrics, means that they can work as a dedicated two-person team, one of them operating the drone while the other takes the footage and keeps an eye on safety.

“I’m really proud that our business helps other companies carry out inspections more safely, more quickly and more cost-effectively,” says Karol. “We’ve focused on training, and are now certified with drone operations to Civil Aviation Authority standards. We can provide services that will one day make the current day-to-day methods of visual and thermal inspection obsolete.”

In the future, Karol and Damian hope to expand their team, initially within Sandwell and then nationwide. “Sandwell is the perfect place to grow our business,” says Karol. “It’s the manufacturing heart of the country, and there are so many commercial and industrial opportunities here.”

If you think your business could benefit from a hi-tech, bird’s eye perspective, then give Dronez Access a call.

#MadeInSandwell Monday is a celebration of the talent and diversity within our borough. If you’re interested in being considered for a #MadeInSandwell Monday profile and having information about your organisation shared on Think Sandwell and through Twitter, read this.