Will you Go Purple for Black Country Women’s Aid?
Black Country’s Women’s Aid is urging people, teams, businesses and organisations to Go Purple for a day in October to raise awareness of domestic abuse and domestic abuse support services, and raise money for local women and children in refuges.
BCWA is an independent charity which has supported survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence in the West Midlands for over 30 years.
Last year it supported over 8000 women, children and men who had experienced abuse and violence. Its refuges offer a safe place to stay, while advocates and counsellors help people get back on their feet, cope with trauma and look toward a safer future.
Now local businesses are being asked to help BCWA to raise awareness and money in October, which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
You can interpret Go Purple in a way that suits your organisation. Maybe you could encourage your team to wear something purple for a day, spray your hair or beards purple, or bake purple cupcakes – it doesn’t matter. Simply share what you’re doing and why, and encourage colleagues, clients, customers, friends and visitors to make a small donation to BCWA.
Purple was worn by early women’s rights activists. Today it is an important colour for campaigners against domestic abuse and violence against women and girls, worn to show survivors we care.
For more info and to register your Go Purple event, contact Deborah Slater at BCWA by emailing deborah.slater@blackcountrywomensaid.co.uk or calling 0121 553 0090 or 07785 624772.
Here at Think Sandwell we’d love to see your Go Purple efforts too – do tag us in your tweets: @thinkSandwell.