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Sandwell Inclusive Economy

Sandwell Council is reaching out to residents and businesses, and asking for help to make Sandwell the best it can be.

Sandwell Inclusive Economy logoThe council wants to nurture an inclusive economy. This is a local economy which:

* Benefits everyone
* Builds on the strengths of our community
* Sees wealth more evenly spread
* Ensures no one is left behind
* Invites everyone to contribute.

Think Sandwell is urging businesses in the borough to tell Sandwell Council their priorities. Please complete the short survey below to help develop the ‘Inclusive Economy Deal’… Survey now closed!

In turn you are asked to make a pledge, big or small, to help our borough become stronger, sustainable and more prosperous. This could be anything – from buying your workplace stationery locally to providing apprenticeships to local people.

We will keep you posted on the results!

Page upated in November 2019.
