Category: General Fresh Perspectives: Scenario planning

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Fresh Perspectives: Scenario planning


Aston 4 AI9

Planning for sustainable competitive advantage

Scenario Planning has become the most popular strategy tool in the last decade. It is neither a forecasting nor a predicting tool but is used to improve managers’ ability to anticipate uncertainty and in that context to enhance organisational learning. It helps to develop a shared understanding and to scope mental models of perceived uncertainty between managers working in the same organisation.

This session will provide an insight into Dr Stathis Tapinos' Scenario Planning method which links scenario development to the sustainability of competitive advantage in order to support long term strategy making. His method is a multi-stage process; a structured method of disciplined imagination to create plausible images of future scenarios.

Stathis explores how organisations understand the current source of competitive advantage and its limitations; identify factors of uncertainty for the future; using them to create a range of scenarios and narratives; assessing the impact of each scenario on the organisation; and developing robust strategies which will protect the sustainability of competitive advantage.

Venue: Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET

FREE to attend

You can register to attend here

Aston Business School
Aston University
Birmingham, B4 7ET

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