Category: General Accelerating business growth expo

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Accelerating business growth expo


Accelerating Business Growth Expo

On Friday 3 November the MCMT and Buy-From, sponsored by NatWest, are hosting an unmissable day of information, advice and guidance on a range of initiatives, government legislation and funding opportunities to help small businesses grow. Join inspirational keynote speakers, dynamic networking and tours of the brand new MCMT facility in Bridgnorth.

Planned Programme

11:00am-1:00pm – Network and affiliate expo (including lunch)
1:00pm-4:30pm – Conference: Accelerating SME business growth in Shropshire

• Welcome: Louise Welsby (Buy-From)
• Opening address: To be confirmed
• LEP Focus and Growth in Shropshire: Gill Hamer (LEP Chair)
• Shropshire business board: Mandy Thorn (Business Board Chair)
• Shropshire Council economic growth plan and the SME economy in Shropshire: Gemma Davies (Shropshire Council)
• SME business funding in Shropshire: Amy Farley (Marches Growth Hub)
• The MCMT and incubator opportunity: Matthew Snelson (MCMT)
• Tea and coffee break
• Entrepreneurship and innovation: John Rainford
• GDPR and Implications for SMEs: FBC Manby Bowdler, CSCM IT Solutions and I-Secured
• Buy-From and Closing Address: Graeme Christie (CEO Brightcore)

• Further networking opportunities – close 5:30pm.

Venue:Marches Centre of Manufacturing and Technology, Unit 10, Stanmore Industrial Estate ,Bridgnorth WV15 5HR

Cost: £15.00

If you would like to attend, you can follow this link to register

Marches Centre of Manufacturing and Technology
Unit 10
Stanmore Industrial Estate
Bridgnorth, WV15 5HR

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