Look after your wellbeing with Kaleidoscope’s PLUS programme

Kaleidoscope Group – a leading national mental health and wellbeing charity – is giving Sandwell residents the chance to join its PLUS (Positive Lives Using Skills) programme and get support with personal wellbeing.

The Kaleidoscope Group logoThe PLUS programme is Kaleidoscope’s emotional health and wellbeing psycho-education programme. Each cohort consists of ten workshops, currently being delivered online due to Covid-19. The programme supports people with their personal wellbeing and covers managing stress and anxiety, low mood and depression, sleep and relaxation, self-esteem building and more.

The sessions are available to Sandwell residents and will run on the days listed below from 10.30am to 12.30pm.

Fist cohort
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 6 April to 6 May 2021

Second cohort
Fridays: 9 April to 11 June 2021

Third cohort
Mondays and Wednesdays: 10 May to 14 June

If you have a question or would like to book a place, contact Kaleidoscope’s Training Team via training@kaleidoscopeplus.org.uk.

Have you seen our workplace wellbeing page and coronavirus-related mental health resources?